This world is probably not what you were expecting it to be when you dreamed about welcoming your beautiful new baby to it, is it? There are so many things that are the "new normal", and there are a ton of new rules and regulations that were not there before, and I can't even imagine all the things that you are thinking about and planning for now. Having a baby is a life-changing even before all this without the extra layer on top of it, but I know you're going to be amazing at it!
My hospital isn't allowing guests, so I can't have a photographer. Now what?
If you're delivering in a hospital, there is a good chance that you and/or your baby will be there for longer than 48 hours. But your guest list might be restricted to one support person, maybe two if you're really lucky. That makes a Fresh 48 session tricky, but not impossible!
One of my favorite qualifiers is "-ish" and it is going to save the day here. Even if we're not able to do our session at the hospital during those first hours of your baby's life, we CAN do a beautiful Fresh 48-ish once you are back home together.

How will this fresh 48-ish session go?
The great news is that most of the session will be just like a "proper" Fresh 48 hospital session! We are still going to capture amazing photographs of your new addition. Those tiny fingers and toes are going to be documented, the love between you and this perfect baby will be captured, and you will always be able to look back on the earliest days of your new family dynamic.
We may wind up past that 48 hour mark, and we will not get the hospital bassinet or ankle tags, but all the most important parts are still going to be there. Being flexible with the timing and location is a small concession to make for these precious memories.
A silver lining though is how much more comfortable you will be! Being at home is even more relaxing and amazing than the hospital, and I think you'll enjoy your session when you're snuggling your baby on your super comfy sofa.

Protecting your family's health is one of my top priorities! My second baby was born at a birthing center, and I had hoped she would never see the inside of a hospital; my hopes didn't last long though, as she was admitted when she was just a few days old with a cold, and spent a week in the hospital on oxygen. It was devastating, and I never want to be the reason that anybody has to go through something similar.
I am more than happy to wear a mask the entire time I am in your home, and I follow all the recommended guidelines. If you'd like to discuss further details we can certainly go over it on the phone! I want you to feel comfortable and safe.

I hope you're feeling so much better about the possibility of doing an in-home session right after your baby is born! Every little bit of normalcy that you can find is a beautiful thing, and I want you to be able to have the Fresh 48 session of your dreams, even if it winds up being a little bit "-ish"!
If you want to book me for your session I would love to chat, please just drop me a line. Talk soon!
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